Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Curious Note

So I open up "Loose Woman" by Sandra Cisneros (I have a used copy) and I find a very emotional and sincere personal note on the page right before the title. I have omitted the names.

When I was younger, I used to love to read this author's books. When I came across this one, the title called to me! :)
In another 30 years, look back and have a laugh on me.

This is proof someone loves you

You're the best friend God ever gave me.

Keep your head high, smile,

I want to connect this brief message to something that I thought of while reading Zami. Attachment, connection and friendship are three immensely important themes in Lorde's biomythography. This stems from her early childhood and relationship with her mother. Lorde had very few friends growing up grew very close to a select few and developed deeply emotional relationships with them. Indeed, this is something that persisted throughout her life. Though the name that signed this note is not "Audre", I have no trouble imagining it that way.

Audre became attached and deeply devoted to her friends and eventual partners. She spent countless hours with Genevieve and considered her to be her best friend. Lorde and Gennie greatly upset Lore's mother with their friendship, though Lorde paid this no mind. When Gennie died, Lorde fell into a state of depression and felt as if she would never find another like her. As she grows up, she finds several other women with whom she forms intense and intimate bonds. Depending on another person is a sort of recurring theme throughout Lorde's life.

Additionally, the level of connection that Lorde shares with her friends and partners is astonishing. This becomes very evident when she begins having sex with her partners. The level of passion she conveys with her writing does an excellent job of describing how even their souls are connected on a metaphysical level. Lorde truly becomes one with several of her partners, and she is almost like a sponge, absorbing and growing with each relationship.

Lastly, she is a devoted and caring friend. "The Branded", though they would gradually work their ways out of her life, are her best friends for may years. The ladies share everything and depend on each other for both emotional and material support. Later on, we see several other women enter Lorde's life, and she is determined to do everything she can for each of them, like a true and honest friend.

So, the connecting point with this letter is that whoever wrote this note was attached, connected, and very friendly towards the former owner of my book. It speaks to the power of literature and it's connection to friendship. I hope that one day I can find a book or poem that enhances my life like "Loose Woman" has for this person.

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